What Are the Yoga Poses For Constipation and Gas?

You can try this yoga poses for constipation and gas relief, but if you are not able to do it please consult your physician.
Yoga has immense health benefits. It is beneficial in various diseases like diabetes, asthma, arthritis, etc. Yoga helps the body maintain its strength and flexibility through certain asanas (poses). There are different types of yoga for constipation. Few are listed below:
1) Vakrasana(Bent Pose):
One of the yoga poses to relieve gas is a bent pose. For this, you have to stand straight leaning on the left side bending with your hip upward, and then fold your arm in front of you by keeping both hands together. You have to cross this position 5 times and then change the position to the right side.
2) Vajrasana(Kneeling Pose):
You have to sit on your knees with your hips touching the floor keep your feet together. Try to inhale, when you exhale try to bend forward from your waist and place both hands on either side of your feet and rest your head on the floor. You can add variation in this pose by sitting with legs extended in front.
3) Mayurasana(Peacock Pose):
This is also a yoga pose for constipation and gas relief. Lie on your stomach along the floor, place your hands at either side of your hips, now raise your head and legs together. Try to stay in this position for 20 seconds.
4) Paschimottanasana(Seated Forward Bend Pose):
This is one of the yoga poses for constipation and gas relief which you can practice sitting on your mat. Both arms should be straight along your body. You have to bend forward and try to touch your feet with your head. Try it or 5 times
5) Halasana(Plough Pose):
This yoga pose for constipation is also known as the plow pose. Lie on your mat keep both arms at either side of the body then raise your legs up while keeping your hips on the floor bring thighs at a 90-degree angle with the floor. Now slowly try to place the top of the thigh near the chest and rest the abdomen on the leg above you. You can add variation in this by placing hands behind the lower back or holding toes.
6) Uttanapadasana (Raised Leg Pose):
This is one of the yoga poses for constipation. This pose helps in relieving gas and aids the digestion process. For this, you have to lie on your back, straighten your legs up at a 90-degree angle with the ground. Then try to hold the leg or ankle by hand and move it a little forward. You can add variation in this pose by placing hands under thighs or knees or holding big toes with both hands.
7) Maricyasana III (Cat Stretch Pose):
This is also one of the effective yoga poses for constipation which you can practice while sitting cross-legged. You have to touch ears with folded arms then place your head between the arms and twist the waist. Now try to touch the floor with the knee in front. You can add variation in this pose by placing your hands on either side of the body or both hands behind the back.
8) Vajrasana (Kneeling Pose):
This pose is similar to Vajrayana which you have to do while standing. For this, you have to stand straight at any angle lean left or right bending with hips upward, and then fold your arms with both hands keep them together cross them 5 times, and then change the position to another side.
9) Shalabhasana (Locust Pose):
For this, you have to lie down flat on your stomach straighten your legs along the floor now raise your head and chest with the support of your arms. To add variation in this pose you can raise your legs or thighs off the floor too.
10) Dhanurasana (Bow Pose):
This is one of the yoga poses for constipation which you have to practice while lying on the stomach with both hands under shoulders then try to lift your body up into arc position using the shoulder, back muscles, etc. You can add variation in this by raising feet off the floor or hold big toes with both hands.
11) Kapotasana (Pigeon Pose):
For this, you have to sit straight on the mat extend your leg forward, and bring another bent knee downward at a 90-degree angle stretch it backward while touching the floor with your head. Now try to stretch the torso forward by bringing the head toward the leg and hold the big toe with both hands. You can add variation in this pose by touching the temple with your feet or hands on either side of the body.
12) Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose):
For this, you have to lie on your stomach place both arms under your shoulders then resting elbows against the floor raise the upper part of the body up along your back muscles keep your legs straight at a 90-degree angle with the ground without applying pressure on lower back thighs, etc if it hurts.
These are Yoga Poses for Constipation and Gas Relief which also helps in increasing digestive power gives relief from digestive issues like bloating gas constipation indigestion etc. Hope you like it and do practice daily to live a healthy life.
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