What You Need To Do To Get The Most Out Of Your Pink Princess Philodendron

The pink princess of the plant’s world is the Philodendron pink princess. Behold: the little pink, delicate plant that as recently as several years ago could only be bought for its beautiful cuttings (the exposed core part of the plant that you use to cultivate and re-pot). Well, now that I live in a much smaller town (averaged population: five thousand and five hundred active inhabitants as of the most recent count), I’ve had my fill of Philodendrons and I’ve learned a thing or two about them. So I thought I’d share what I know about this popular garden plant with you here.
When it comes to taking care of Philodendron pink princess varieties that are for sale in nurseries, you need to realize that they are quite delicate plants. They need their parent plant to survive, so it’s very important to take the time to properly care for this plant. Like most houseplants, Philodendron requires very careful trimming to avoid leaves falling off in your own home. In fact, there are few types of houseplants that require so much attention, but this one does! There are some things you’ll want to keep in mind when caring for these lovely little plants. If you follow these care tips, your daughter and her friends will have hours of enjoyment growing their own houseplants.
Are Pink Princess Philodendron Require Low Humidity?
The first thing to remember is that Philodendron pink princess philodendron requires fairly low humidity, approximately thirty percent. This means that the average potting mix should be no more than one-third water. Once you’ve established your plant, this is a good time to water it regularly, but not too much, as you don’t want to drown the roots. If you find that your plant has dried out too much, give it a quick watering, and then refill the pot with water.
Although Philodendron pink princess philodendron has variegation, the majority of its leaves do not and appear quite crisp, or sometimes have a mottling, leaf discoloring appearance. These leaves, however, should not be removed until the plant starts to bloom. While it blooms, you can mist the plant with a light layer of hibiscus flower petals, which will provide a beautiful contrast to the bright pink coloring of the plant.
Problem: They don’t Grow Very Tall At Home
One problem you will run into if you attempt to grow this variety of pink princess philodendron at home is that they don’t grow very tall. They are only four to five inches long when they are in the ground, and seven to eight inches tall once they have bloomed and begun to flower. This is why it is important that they are given enough direct sunlight, and not shaded by taller plants. The more light they receive, the more foliage they will produce, and the more fragrance they will give off as the leaves start to wilt.
In spite of the fact that this variety of pink princess philodendron is not the most prolific of plants to get, it is still easy to propagate. All you need for successful reproduction is some sort of media, such as wood shavings, and something to plant the saplings into. Try and plant the flowers directly into the ground, because they will naturally come up through the soil. You can also use pruning shears to cut a few inches off the main stem and then use those pruned stems to support the root system.
Problem: Not Grow of too Much or Too Little Water
One of the most common causes of this plant not growing as well as it should is because of too much or too little water. Both extremes of this would result in the leaves becoming dry and brittle, and not nearly as blatant as you’d like them to be. For these reasons, the more you can provide your pink princess philodendron with water, the better. It’s important that you don’t over-water it, though, because it will begin to dry out and eventually die. When it does die, you can just cut off the dead stem end and re-pot it. Don’t try to transplant it from one pot to another if it has leaf scars, because they will make it more likely that the leaves will grow up and spread to cover the entire surface of the new pot.
Lack Of Pruning, Poor Air Circulation
Another common cause of the pink princess philodendron not growing as well as it should is often due to the lack of pruning, or poor air circulation. This is why it’s very important that you clean out your pots after each use. Remove any leaves that are on the underside of the pot, and remove any large and loosely packed soil masses. This will allow air to circulate around your plants and will improve growth conditions for both new growth and older leaves. You should also check the soil and water daily and make sure that it’s not drying out too much or too quickly. Pruning will also help get rid of any excess dead and decaying matter that could have clogged up your plants’ roots.
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