Scientific Novelty in a Master’s Thesis: Examples

The result of successful studies in the magistracy is the defense of a dissertation. The work should demonstrate acquired competencies and the ability to conduct research activities. One of the most important criteria by which a master’s thesis is assessed is relevance and scientific novelty.
The essence of scientific novelty
Innovation in the research activities of the future master can relate to laws and patterns. It can manifest itself in the use of methods and technologies, ways of justification. Revealing properties, stating facts, describing phenomena are also capable of falling into a sphere not considered by scientists.
The scientific provisions proposed by the undergraduate must be new, contain elements of novelty, or represent a previously non-existent combination of existing provisions.
The scientific novelty of a master’s thesis is knowledge previously unknown and formulated in the process of online dissertation writing, substantiated from the point of view of theory or as a result of experiments, tested in practice and confirmed by a dissertation candidate.
Serious argumentation and practical assessment are required, showing how much the knowledge gained is superior to those that existed before them, to what extent they are valuable for science. Scientific novelty should also be supported by publications in academic student journals.
Elements of novelty
There are a great many options to bring something exceptional to the work of scientists. There are several approaches.
Obtaining unique results, creating a model, proposing a non-standard solution.
The use of already available data, theories, solutions in other conditions, giving previously unrecorded results.
By following one of these approaches or by combining them, certain elements of scientific novelty are obtained:
- an object of research that has not been previously considered in any work;
- a new formulation of problems already studied or tasks set (this is possible if you remove existing assumptions, accept additional conditions, etc.);
- a method that has not been encountered by other authors that allows you to solve problems, cope with problems, resolve contradictions;
- non-standard use of a solution found by someone or a proposed method;
- consideration of an already existing theory in the framework of new conditions and a description of the consequences;
- the results of the experiment not recorded before the master’s degree student, their influence;
- justification of previously unavailable indicators, criteria that were not considered;
- independently formulated proposals for changing existing processes or existing phenomena;
- active use of modeling.
Examples of formulations of scientific novelty in a master’s thesis
Clear and capacious formulations are required, in which innovation is not only declared, but also convincingly proven.
Psychology example:
“The uniqueness of the study lies in a new way of diagnosing symptoms and conducting corrective work with high school students with a range of mental disorders. As a result, a unique system was developed that allows to overcome the manifestations of mental retardation in the course of forming relationships during role-playing games. “
Environmental example:
“Scientific novelty is expressed in a comprehensive study, the subject of which was the composition and physical and chemical characteristics of oil sludge. A scheme for handling various oily waste has been developed and substantiated. Technologies for the manufacture of commercial products from sediments accumulating in oil reservoirs are presented. The possibility of using oil production waste in creating the base of the roadway has been demonstrated. The scientific novelty is confirmed by two patents”.
Scientific novelty and provisions for defense
Surprisingly, undergraduates often confuse scientific novelty and the provisions submitted for defense – two concepts that are completely different in their essence.
The first demonstrates that the content reflects aspects that have not previously been fully explored. Using publicly available and independently obtained data, the author offers special ways to solve problems.
The second is a list of significant results obtained during the writing process. They have scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance. These outcomes are assessed in the context of existing scientific findings and approaches.
Scientific novelty involves the study of not fully studied issues and ways to solve them or the proposal of an innovative way to solve a problem. The basis for its assessment is the initial data and indicators already available in science.
Scientific novelty is one of the key requirements for the master’s final qualifying work. It can manifest itself at any level – from the formulation of the topic to the experimental results obtained.
This item must be properly spelled out in the introduction and voiced at the defense. Moreover, you need to accentuate it and prove it. In this case, you can be sure of the decision of the commission.
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