The Sims Army Goes Nuts Over Pokimane No Makeup

After Pokimane posted a photo of herself streaming without makeup on Twitter, the Sims army went nuts! They bashed Pokimane for putting on an act in her streams and using too much makeup to appear more beautiful. They also expressed their outrage at dealing with misogyny in 2022. If you are one of the many Sims fans who are dealing with sexual harassment or misogyny, you can appreciate their reaction.
Pokimane’s reaction to trolls
After receiving harsh criticism from some viewers on social media for appearing without makeup, Pokimane decided to take a stand. She took a DNA test to confirm her origin and found that she is 85% North African and 15% Arabian. She was born in Canada, but raised in a Moroccan home. Then, in 2020, she moved into her own apartment and had a misunderstanding with Fedmyster. This incident caused a raging debate in the community, and Pokimane quickly shut down her critics by announcing she was leaving her home in Canada.
The image of Pokimane wearing no make up went viral after she posted it to Twitter on February 16, 2022. It received over 330,000 likes and nearly nine thousand retweets. After the incident, fans defended Pokimane’s appearance and criticized the trolls. This all began when Pokimane and Jidion teamed up to answer tough questions about themselves, and both of them decided to share their no-makeup pictures.
Her reaction to haters
While many people think Pokimane should be banned for her Twitter rant, the truth is, she didn’t expect such a reaction. The reason for the backlash is probably that the tweet didn’t have a full context and many people might not have understood the context of it. The tweet itself contains screenshots of Pokimane’s face without makeup, which harassers have been using for years. While many of these screenshots are bots, Pokimane was surprised that the haters would attack her stream so publicly.
Despite the backlash, Pokimane’s reaction to a recent Twitch drama is admirable. She defended herself by stating that the people who hated her were just trying to minimize the harassment she received. “Moving on” is a compliment for Pokimane and her fans, but those who hate her are just trying to make matters worse. The haters have no legitimate reason to attack her. They just hate her because she is female and that’s all.”
The effect of the no makeup look on her fanbase
Recently, a popular female streamer has been trolled over her no makeup look. Fans have been obsessing over different parts of her look and have called her simps. Pokimane has shown no signs of being bothered by the criticism, pointing out that she is a fan and that highlighting her bad picture won’t make her demoralize her fans. After the controversy broke, the streamer responded by posting a video to her official YouTube channel, defending her look and saying she wouldn’t let this effect get to her.
While streaming Valorant, Pokimane has attracted a large audience. Her videos have garnered millions of views and millions of subscribers, and she has become one of the most popular female gaming streamers. In addition to her streaming career, Pokimane has a large fan base, which is reflected in her fan base. Pokimane’s no makeup look has sparked a raging debate on whether she is a good role model for women.
Her response to trolls
The recent troll attack on streaming star Pokimane’s appearance in an online stream got the community on its feet, but the result was more than just a little schadenfreude. Fans rallied around the streamer and her decision to go without makeup and stood by her. Though some people were quick to call her “stupid,” her response shut them down and showed her supporters that beauty isn’t just about makeup, and that people watch her stream for more than just her looks.
During a live makeup tutorial session, Pokimane received harsh criticism for her lack of makeup. Although her lack of makeup prompted some trolls to complain, she continued streaming and has now earned over 5 million YouTube subscribers and over 349 million video views. Her popularity has reached record-setting levels in offline television as well. She’s a powerful gamer with a huge following.
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